2.2 Historical facts about Panama

 • The Isthmus of Panama was discovered in 1501 by Rodrigo de Bastidas.

• The arrival to the Atlantic Coast of the Isthmus was given on October 10, 1502 by Cristóbal Colón.

• The South Sea was discovered on September 25, 1513 by Vasco Núñez de Balboa.

• Old Panama was founded on August 15, 1519 by Pedro Arias Dávila.

• The first cry of Independence from the Villa of Los Santos was given on November 10, 1821 by Rufina Alfaro.

• The Independence of Panama from Spain was given on November 28, 1821 by the efforts of people like General José de Fábrega.

• The Federal State of Panama was created on February 27, 1855 by Dr. Justo Arosemena.

• The Independence of Panama from Colombia was given on November 3, 1903 after several attempts at separation by protagonists such as José Agustín Arango, Manuel Amador Guerrero, Esteban Huertas, among others.

• The Patriotic Gesta against the military presence of the United States was given on January 9, 1964 by the Mártires.

• Treaty Torrijos Carter was signed on September 7, 1977 by the Governments of the United States and Panama.

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1. Panamanian cultural diversity

  In this section I will show you some of the interesting facts about Panama, its tourist places, food, dances and festivities.