Monday, November 29, 2021

2.1 Languages ​​spoken in Panama


Languages spoken in Panama


People who speak














The above  was performed out in order of greater than measured spoken languages in Panama.


•The Spanish language was introduced since the arrival of the Spaniards in their different expeditions, many of them had children with our indigenous people in Panama.

•The English and French language were brought from the fact that it began construction of the Canal, when hundreds of French and Americans arrived at the contribution of construction and many of them stayed in Panama.

•The other languages were arriving little by little by tourists who came to know or simply stay in Panama.

Importance of learning English in Panama 


English was becoming important to the economy since the arrival of the Americans in Panama.

This language was brought in during the construction of the Canal and now learning it is one of the requirements you need for a business job, among others in our country.

Panamanians were deciding to study English in order to get a good job and with that lead a better quality of life, learn to communicate fluently with the English-speaking inhabitants in Panama and the world.

The number of English speakers was increasing, since learning it has made it easier for them to travel to other countries, get good jobs, to help the economic development of the country, learn about cultures, traditions and new friends in different countries.

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